Thursday, October 21, 2010


at the moment blogger isn't letting me upload pictures. i keep coming on and trying. EDIT: pictures added!

this is what i've done this week.
monday: apple picking & making fritter with katie, josh, and jordan & my gnome :]

tuesday: bonfire at josh's

wednesday: sonic with katie, ash, and james
today: cleaning and errands

i have a lot of pictures to show. i've been knitting some hats!
one bob marley hat

one blue cupcake hat
one pink cupcake hat (almost done)

now i have to finish the cupcake hat and make a turtle!

i also made this adorable pumpkin!

1 comment:

  1. wow you're a busy gal! so i've been meaning to send you that pic txt of my knitted poncho but i keep forgetting lol. Emma wore her leg warmers the other day & got soooo many compliments :)
