Friday, September 3, 2010

toys & cleaning

so i cleaned my room like a mad person today. did a bit of rearranging in the yarn area and such. it looks good. i wish i could rearrange more and make my yarn area more of a section but whatever. anyways. i wound a ton of yarn that was all messy looking. took a while but now my yarn shelf looks splendid.

i also rearranged my misknits and my hello kitty collection.

now all my other toys are on my yarn shelf with my stuff to sell!

me and purl had fun playing today. we watched tv in my now empty chair since i cleaned it. then we cuddled in my bed together, she jumped into my basket of little odd balls of yarn. so silly!

she lovesss when i give her kisses.
 and apparently likes to steal nutrigrain bars

Yesterday I finished this for lyn:
its like a kitty monster of sorts.

and today i finished this for keri:
it a chubby pumpkin owl. 

and this itty bitty hat. its the pink paper bag. but i did mine in fuschia and yellow.

the twinnies told me what they want me to knit them next. these girls have a list that goes on forever. they both want hampsters and they both want birds. but allie wants the bluebird that flips into an egg and julia wants the little blue bird i already made.

those will be done this weekend along with a pink baby hat.

i quite enjoy being a morning person. after i drop the girls off i walk back to my car from the school which is a nice quick exercise and then today i went to walmart, i was out by 9:15am. lol its weird being places when they are so empty. then i hung out at home cleaning and watching movies.

yesterday i watched phoebe in wonderland. it was so good. elle fanning is as amazing as acting as her sister.

today i watched anastasia. it was good, i liked it. but it got kind of sick of it after a while.

night! leave some comments & follow me if you haven't already!

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