Monday, September 20, 2010

my pillow boyfriend

i made myself a boyfriend ha ha. lauren was making fun of me that i can knit anything but would i knit myself a boyfriend i said no but i love this pillow so it shall be my sleeping buddy :]

i also finished & felted my surprise blog item

me and lauren hit the mall today. we tried on outfits to wear to the club,

didn't find anything in  that department but i did buy some cute  stuff. i bought two shirts and then this:

i went to pick up my straightener from danielle and i spent some time with keegan. he can make even the worst day better! love him.

& happy birthday danielle! love you! (such an old but amazing picture)

i also knit up sack boy's body. tomorrow i will get some more of him done!

katie put the baby hat she ordered on her cat! LOVEEEEEEEEE

 EDIT: i also hung out with james today. he bought me burger king and drove me around. :] he's a nice friend. (happy now)


  1. I liked this post! Except there wasn't anything about hanging out with me in it. =(
