July 2
Pink cake purple frosting. Can't wait to get baking!!
I'm so awesome at baking cakes /end sarcasm
Jillian Conway is the best. Dahlias one year pictures are great. Can't wait to go print them
July 3
Just downloaded the couch to 5k app I got this. Now to choose which race to run this fall.
First day of couch to 5k down and intense workout session with @JaredCAndrews I'm exhausted and my body hates me lol
July 4
Making a pot of coffee and trying to stay awake lol my body is tired today.
We either looked like the lamest matching couple ever or twins. #stdf @JaredCAndrews
So exhausted from this crazy Fourth of July. Me and dahlia just took an hour nap and she's still asleep. Wish I could be too my tummy hurts
I'm so excited that Angela is going to be my new #C25K buddy. Color run here we come #bffcirca98
July 5
I'm so thankful for @taylorswift13 when dahlia is old enough it'll be a great way to teach her life lessons listening to her together
I kinda feel like someone beat the shit out of me lol. That's what I get for thinking I'm Wonder Woman at the gym I guess lol
July 6
I never thought I would like running this much. Day 3 and I can't wait until Monday now. #C25K
Working on the heel of my sock. HGTV isn't entertaining me enough though. So bored
Stew Leonard's was delish for lunch. Dahlia loved the little puppets. We both need a nap now.
Dahlias finally learned how to use a straw. She gets so excited she giggles every time it goes in her mouth
July 7
You know you chew gum too loud when your daughter starts mimicking you
I love our morning work outs. Really sets the tone for the whole day. 4.5 mile bike ride now we both need showers
If it wasn't so hot out of probably go for another bike ride. Really antsy today. But swimming later!!
Today was a good day. I'm so tired now though. These socks are obviously never getting finished.
July 8
Enjoying the morning with dahlia. Coffee for me, pancakes for her.
Nice little walk to the post office with the mei tai i finally got it on right!
Spending the afternoon splashing away with Boo. Now that's its warmed up and she has her little people she's having a blast waving to cars
Dahlia's pool float is so cool! Love how she's a water baby.