Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Twitter Tuesday April 7-15

This week in tweets:

April 7:
Poor girl is so upset about her teeth. :( wish I could do more
April 8:
I hate how cranky these teeth make dally. Wanted to enjoy this day with a long walk and she wasn't having it. Cried the whole time
April 9:
Just taught dahlia the hoe down throw down. I think she had fun.
April 10:
It smelled like summer today and it made me happy. ☔
April 11:
One of the best parts about being a mom is when I act like a fool and it cracks dahlia up and she wants me to do it again.
April 12:
Woke up an hour ago thinking I'd be late for work. Rushed through my routine and got dunkin and now I'm early!
April 13:
You know you picked a winner when they take you yarn shopping and ask you to make them something :)
April 14:
My kid eats tuna like its candy. She keeps screeching when I am trying to get more on the fork

Dahlia has been asleep since like 7ish. Ill regret this tomorrow but its my vacation I can sleep while she's at daycare.
April 15:
Dahlias at daycare now time to hit the gym get my tan on and my nails did.

1 comment:

  1. Teething is no fun. Do you have those teething toys that you freeze and she can suck on it? There's Baby Orajel too.
    Tuna fish? Wow; that is a first I've heard of a toddler hooked on that.
    Glad you're seeing someone who appreciates you and your fiber obsession.
