Wednesday, July 20, 2011

WIP Wednesday

I love my friend Stefanie's idea of having a "banner" for each theme day so sorry Stefanie but i'm stealing your idea I hope you don't mind!! <3 Purl is in all of them because this blog is named after my babygirl after all! shes doing great by the way. i bought her a new tiny cage and we are going to sleepover mike's friday. i can't stand being away from her for the whole weekend so friday night will be a test run. this is a picture of her from the other day:
she loves to scurry around in my bed. thank goodness she's potty trained outside of her cage or i'd have a mess on my hands!

This week I have a few things to show for.

number 1 is my hippo. i frogged him because i tried making himin the round against the directions and he was looking funny. so now i'm knitting him according to the directions.

number 2 is brim hat 1. i started it last week and left it in my mom's car all weekend until today

number 3 is my granny square. i don't know what i want to do with it yet but its going to be something awesome.

i finished a heart pillow today and my purse yesterday but you'll have to wait until monday :]

1 comment:

  1. Not at all! I was inspired by one of Rae Lynne's banners on her blog.
    Oh wow; what a pet Purl is. How cool she's potty trained also. How'd you do that?
