Monday, May 23, 2011

my busy weekend

I had a pretty busy weekend, Friday i went up to Winsted to Mike's and we went to a little party and then Saturday we went back to my house to see Jimmy and his prom date and take some pictures. Him and Elise looked SOOO cute. I love them! Then we went to Mass. to a benefit for a fire fighter Mike knows. Then Sunday we took a party bus to Jason Aldean. We also drove the jeep all weekend. yes it rained. no there is no top. yes mike is a jerk but i still love him it was so much fun. So needless to say I didn't get much knitting done this weekend. I did finish my feet eater slippers though. SUCCESS! I love those so much. I'm currently wearing them actually.

I also recently finished a couple other items:
a blue cupcake:

 a pink cupcake:
a Monster hat:

hello kitty:


and ....drum roll please... Heidi taught me how to crochet some little things. 

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