Saturday, May 25, 2013

Twitter Tuesday

Tweets this week:

May 14
I love watching dahlia do the hot dog dance. I say it all the time but it's the highlight of my morning
Knitting myself a tardis kindle case at the doctor waiting for my uncle.
May 15
Watching make dinner for my family while I knit & dahlia eats frozen bananas
May 16
Waking up next to that one person makes any morning a good one
Because I'm not a big enough doctor who nerd. I now have my tardis phone case. I now unlock all doors with my sonic screwdriver
Dahlia came home with tons of hugs and kisses from my grandpas house. Guess she missed me as much as I missed her <3 span="">
May 17
I can't eat pizza anymore without dahlia screaming and simultaneously signing more! For my crust
Just dropped my munchkin to her grandparents and got my back adjusted. Feel so much better!! Now time to stuff my face full of breakfast
I made this while watching the movie
May 18

Can't believe my little girl is 11 months old today. Pictures will have to wait until tomorrow she's at her grandparents until tmrw :(
Re-watching nightmare in silver before the season finale of doctor who at it's scheduled (American) time. Fangirling like none other
Also knitting a jake & drinking iced coffee. Ya it's a good night. But seriously can dahlia come home yet?
May 19
Well that's lovely. Now what am I going to do with the baby during the open house? Thanks family for not including me in any plans
May 20

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