Wednesday, November 3, 2010


sorry its been so long, stupid laptop. i still havent gotten a hard drive but i decided to just used the parents' computer.
so here is whats been going on:
my parents had a party recently and james came and we hung out all night it was suchhh a blast.

i went hiking with katie, jordan, josh and aaron. and by hiking i mean we hiked for twenty minutes up the mountain, died, and turned around ha ha ah

i went to target with angela and toby. we bought him this new outfit along with others, and some baby food. he loveeed the bananas.
my items are now being sold in an actual store! viva la vintage in downtown plantsville. check it out!
i knit this adorable turtle from my new toy book. i love the colors.

me and purl are so close these days. 

i taught her how to stand up too!

i went to a party at josh's monday night and slept there with katie and everyone else. me and katie wore our costumes for a little while. we looked hot! i was a lady bug and katie was a sailor.

i hung out with my little cousins and helped with with their knitting and watched a movie. so much fun love those girls.

i made an adorable monster. i am so happy with it. i hope its well loved!

i made some cupcake hats too but i forgot to take a picture before they got sold. but i am going to get some emailed to me.

also i have bangs now! i love them!!! i'm trying to grow my hair out again. lets see how long ti takes before i chop it lol. i can just fit it into a pony tail. lol.

 i'm working on a bunch of things right now so as soon as i finish stuff up i'll post it.

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